Tucson Electric Power Praises Interns

Oct. 2, 2023

Neil Becerra, the Photovoltaic Technician with Tucson Electric Power (TEP) that supervised interns Cesar Pena and Joanne Robson this summer wrote a very positive letter to the principal investigator, Dr. Gregory Ogden. Some of his comments addressed the great job both students did in handling their assigned tasks. Some of his comments follow:

 TEP is in the process of implementing a new Work Management System for their PV generation division and completing inventory was a major component. The students assisted in completing the inventory for three sites and that was a huge contribution in advancing our directive. Both were detail oriented in performing assigned tasks and I could not be happier with the results. Hosting them and teaching them about utility scale PV generation was a great experience for me and I am hopeful it was for them as well. I am pleased and willing if ever needed to provide a letter of recommendation or professional reference for either Cesar or Joanne. Thank you for your partnership and allowing us to be a part of your program. If the program is to continue with TEP as a host and as long as I am in my current role, I look forward to working with your students in the future.